The boys are growing so fast and it seems like the more they grow the less I document those fun spontaneous memories. Life goes on and we of course get busy but here is a little bit of this and that:
one of our favorite hats that we get at the expo every year
I believe this is Braxtons Monster face..haha
Tayven being silly and getting comfy with dad
Ryan and I at the Grand America brunch
I love life being the lady in my boys' life. I really feel so blessed the boys are so much fun and all of them keep me on my toes.
Braxtons funny things: still saying the darnedest things as he has since he was tiny. The other day we were in the restaurant and he just belted out Red Solo cup for all to hear..then we made a trip to Arizona and took uncle Jaxon, well Brax turns to him and says Jaxon..Lets have a party. haha (not the best song to love but he loves to sing it.) He is getting better at sharing and really can be a really good brother. His latest thing is telling people random made up things like..I don't love him and so on...Here we go.
Tayven: Still my go getter. He is all over and enjoying life. Honestly this is horrible but he is hard to get made at. Always so happy and the things he does naughty you can not help but grin back at him sometimes. He also is a persistent little thing; if I am doing the dishes or cooking and he needs my attention he will step on my toes until he has it..
writing this makes me realize how much I need to keep blogging and sharing the things we are up to because other wise I will forget! These are the days and I do not want to forget!