My Tag:
1. I love this time of year!!
Tis the season for spooky decorations and
Erie nights. I love, love going to haunted houses and hearing haunted stories
etc. but I absolutely hate scary movies. every once in a while I forget and rent one around this time of year...I always regret it!!
2. Probably due to were I was raised I talk funny every once in a while... mostly adding or forgetting letters. Ryan is always laughing at some of the random words that I use, like:
Saltsa and
mounin's ...
3. I never thought I would say this and I am sure that it is not that
weird but being in my own house I am so peticular about where things go and when they are out of place; Even just ryan's shoes. I try and let it go but it just eats at me until take care of it.
4. I love little
Cesar's pizza and would prefer it over any other pizza place.
5. I would say that I am pretty attenitive to detail. I notice thing that others would not and I am definately a "geek" or people watcher, if you will, so I notice things about others and enjoy little details.
6. I hate sunflower seeds and crab legs! It is just way to hard to get to the good stuff!!
7. I can not ever just be a scrounge! not to say that some days there is little effort into me getting ready for the day but I guess I will never be that girl that can just roll out of bed and go somewhere. dang it!
Now I tag:
Here's how to play:
Link your tagger and list rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post leaving names and links to their blogs
4. Let them know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog