Braxton and Pa on their favorite toy!!! I think it is so funny but my dad (whether he will admit it or not) Loves to be in hisbackhoe; he will find jobs that need to be done or will help the neighbors just so he can be in his bog toy. The other day I set Brax up in there and he loved it!! It must be a boy thing and I am pretty sure Braxton is already 150% BOY!
This is Braxton in his cute PJ's Gandma bought him. I love jamies and he looks so cute in them!
Ok I believe I have been a slacker!!! Big time! I am hoping to only get better; We got a new computer and I have been really regretting that I have not shared more about Ryan Braxton and I; If not for all of you, for me! I love to go back through and look at the different things we do and the fun stages Braxton goes through. I want to add more about Ry even though sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the hunts that he goes on. I only have good blogging intentions life just gets so busy! We have an appointment today with Brax so we will get the 411 on his growth. Ryan is headed out to scout a little this weekend and I am hoping to maybe go with him but for the most part I am just trying to keep up with my boys!! I Love them both and even though its crazy, Love our busy life!!
Look at my handsome boy!! The other day after church I took some pictures of Braxton in his new argyle vest and Levi's. He looked so big and handsome in this out fit; while we were taking the picture he stuck his finger up his nose. I thought it was so funny!! Me and Ryan laughed so hard...needless to say I think he found a hole that his finger fit perfectly in and I am sure he thinks this is pretty cool.
I would like to think that Ryan and I have the perfect life or something close to that! We have two little boys Braxton and Tayven..yes I am out numbered. My boys keep me busy but I love them all so much!! What a LIFE!